
Celebrate Diversity and Inclusion in Arkansas!

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The recognition of diversity within associates is valuing differences and similarities in people through actions and accountability.  These differences and similarities include but are not limited to age, ethnicity, language and culture, socioeconomic status, education background, gender, geographic location, marital status, mental ability, national origin, organizational position and tenure, parental status, physical ability, political philosophy, sexual orientation, race, religion and work experience. 

PTA DIVERSITY PLAN VISION STATEMErkansas PTA will be recognized as the leading liaison for connecting its members to local, state and national inclusion and diversity resources to ensure equal access and equal outcomes for all students.

Diversity affects our mission-driven programs and services, our public image, interpersonal, personal and organizational activities.  

To create a high-performing, productive association through an inclusive community environment in which each individual is valued for his/her unique skills, talents and contributions in order to capitalize on the innovation inherent in diverse populations.  

From the Ozark Mountains to the Gulf Coastal Plain, Arkansas is a land of variety and diversity.  Like the land of our state, the people of Arkansas have historical and cultural diversity.

Arkansas PTA recognizes the growth and changes of the families and the students of Arkansas while working to preserve the positive traditions of our state.   

The Arkansas PTA’s Board of Managers has established a Committee on Diversity.  The goal of Arkansas PTA and this committee is to address the challenges facing Arkansas families, students, schools, and communities.

Our inclusion policy addresses the needs of Arkansas students regardless of the differences and similarities including but not limited to age, ethnicity, language and culture, socio-economic status, education background, gender, geographic location, marital status, mental ability, national origin, organizational position and tenure, parental status, physical ability, political philosophy, race, religion and work experience. Utilizing our Diversity Plan and Mission Statement helps create a greater opportunity to achieve academic success in our schools 


Success occurs when each member of the association is held accountable.  For this reason, existing policies and processes need to be evaluated to ensure that diversity is a core competency aligned with local units and committee chair responsibilities. 

Therefore PTAs at every level must:

Openly assess beliefs and practices to assure inclusiveness and guard against discrimination;
Make every effort to create a PTA board and membership that is inclusive and reflective of its community;

  • Encourage that all PTA activities at the school be planned by a committee which is representative of the population;
  • Foster programs and practices that eliminate bias, prejudice, and misunderstanding within their communities;
  • Become acquainted with the leaders of the many diverse groups in the community and collaborate with them to increase parent, family and community involvement;
  • Educate its leaders and members to the needs, cultural beliefs, traditions and family structures of the population they serve; and
  • Propose change wherever discriminatory practices are perceived. 
  • Promotes PTA values and appreciates diversity, which enriches and strengthens the structure of our society with our state and nation.  

Arkansas PTA will work to provide regions, council and local units with the basic resources to reach the goal of inclusion for Arkansas’ diverse educational community.  We will work to provide resources that your local PTA can use to assist you.  We will also work to provide in the future workshops and/or publications that can help your local PTA to meet the needs of diversity in your community.  In our movement to meet these goals, Arkansas PTA will need to listen to your suggestions as well.

The Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit presented by the National PTA is ready for download. 

Whenever your PTA is facilitating an initiative to address diversity in your community, please email us your information to so we can share your initiative with our Arkansas community.

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