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Because you said "Yes"

Copyright © ArkansasPTA

Because you said, "Yes". . . . .
.....children will feel the pride of being someone special

Because you said, "Yes". . . . .
.....a child can move to a new town and have "instant friendships" with other children he/she might never have met

Because you said, "Yes". . . . .
.....parents will experience that special pride when they listen to their children talk about school and what the PTA provided them that day

Because you said, "Yes". . . . .
.....lifelong friendships may be made in your PTA community providing support & love throughout many lives

Because you said, "Yes". . . . .
.....curiosity will be sparked and maybe a career chose because of your PTA community

Because you said, "Yes". . . . .
.....you will hear the squeals of laughter as children enjoy the programming of your PTA community

Because you said, "Yes". . . . .
.....strong bodies will be made through sports and adventurous activities

Because you said, "Yes". . . . .
.....strong minds will be made because the children had a safe place to make decisions

Because you said, "Yes". . . . .
.....our future leaders will be developed, strong and decisive.

Because you said, "Yes". . . . .
.....the community and the world will be cleaner because children learned the importance of caring for their environment

Because you said, "Yes". . . . .
.....the community and the world will be richer because children learned to give service to someone less fortunate than themselves.

Because you said, "Yes". . . . .
.....children will develop greater confidence in themselves and each other, building strong relationships.

Because you said, "Yes". . . . .
.....the world will be a more peaceful place as we all learn to accept and revel in our differences.

Because you said, "Yes". . . . .
.....an adult will contact a PTA one day and say "I had so much fun when I was a child because of PTA, I'd like to become a PTA leader" And the circle will continue.....Because you said Yes
